Holiday Tips

Dec 7, 2021 | Helpful Tips

The holiday season is different for each person living with fibromyalgia and chronic pain. Fun events can be difficult on the body but is so good for the soul. It’s what each person decides what is worth it the effort to keep a wellness balance. May you all have a wonderful and blessed holiday.

Making a “To Do” list and break down large projects into smaller one. 

A gift to yourself is to avoid overcommitting. It’s okay to say “No, thank you.”

Listen to your body. If you need a rest take a rest.

If possible go to bed earlier and get more sleep.

Steady and slow. Pacing yourself will allow you to have more energy.

Go easy on the sweet treats, your body will thank you.

Lower your expectations. Know it’s okay if you don’t get everything done.

Be kind to yourself especially if you are feeling down. Hang in there. Reach out to a friend.

Watching a Christmas or holiday movie can warm the heart or bring on laughter.

Ask for help. If you’re overwhelmed and you know someone who would love the opportunity, don’t hesitate to reach out.

What will you try this holiday season?  Do you have a special tip to share?